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Inclusive Customer Experience Assessements

Improve Your Coversions By Eliminating the Friction In Your Customer Experience

You’d be surprised how much friction exists in the customer experience most brands deliver. That friction increases significantly for people from underrepresented and underserved communities.

And as a result, consumer frustration increases and your conversion rates suffer. No bueno.

When you take the time to evaluate how the experiences you’re delivering impact all the people you’ve identified as your ideal customers, including those with identities that don’t quite fit into what is considered “mainstream”, you’ll be poised to eliminate the friction that prevents many of them from buying from you.

Examples of Friction in Customer Experiences Brand's Deliver


For instance, this Spanish-speaker went to this website of a car brand and could not find the place to change the website content into Spanish (even though the brand had already invested resources in translating the content). That friction prevented him from taking the next step forward.


And this Black woman struggled to find enough people who looked like her, that weren’t also workers on this hotel’s Instagram account. That friction caused her to hesitate to book a stay.



This hearing impaired woman struggled to watch a long-form interview of a podcast on YouTube because the visuals in the 30-second introduction were so overwhelming, she couldn’t focus on the captions. That friction prevented her from taking the next step forward.



This gay man experienced friction when he was on a hotel website and couldn’t find anything that made it clear that he would feel safe if he chose to stay there. That friction impacted his buying decision-making process.



And this woman who follows a gluten-free diet struggled to find the information she needed about menu items that were safe for her to eat on a restaurant’s website. That friction caused her to be frustrated with the experience the restaurant delivered, before ever setting foot in the door.


How to Identify the Friction In the Customer Experience Your Brand Delivers

Conduct an audit.

Assess how the current customer experience you’re delivering works, specifically for people with identities that are part of underrepresented and underserved communities.

More people are part of these communities than most brands and marketers think.

If you have or want to have customers who:

  • have different races and ethnicities
  • prefer to use a language other than English
  • are part of the LGBTQ+ community
  • have disabilities
  • are neurodivergent
  • have a “non-traditional” family
  • live in different countries
  • have different skin complexions
  • have different body sizes and types
  • are older
  • are younger
  • practice different religions
  • have dietary restrictions

then it is critical you understand how the experiences you’re brand delivers impact them through the lens of their identity.

When you design experiences with the diversity of your customers in mind, you’ll be better equipped to reduce friction that negatively impacts your conversions with these customer groups.

What's Reviewed In the Assessments

Let's Chat About An Inclusive Customer Experience Assessment for Your Brand

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