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Ep. 34: Practical Tips for Building a Diverse Team / Billion Dollar Moves Podcast Interview

Welcome to Inclusion and Marketing, the show that’s all about helping you win the attention, adoration, and loyalty of more consumers, especially those with differences that are often ignored by brands. I’m your host, Sonia Thompson, a marketer and someone with a lot of differences. Let’s get to it. 

In this episode – Sarah-Chen Spellings and I cover a lot of topics ranging from what makes marketing truly inclusive, how to focus your efforts by going narrow to reach a wider audience, as well as best practices for building a high-performing diverse team.

About Sarah-Chen Spellings

Sarah is the co-founder and managing partner of Beyond the Billion (BTB), launched as The Billion Dollar Fund for Women, the world’s first and largest global consortium of 100+ venture capital funds and limited partner investors that have now pledged to and are actively deploying beyond US$1BN to be invested into women-founded companies. She also hosts the Billion Dollar Moves podcast.

Here’s what we covered in this session

  • Why leaning into diversity can be a growth pillar for brands.
  • How diversity can be a foundational starting point for building a high-performing team.
  • What to focus on when working to build a high-performing team that is representative of the people.
  • Why many leaders struggle to find diverse talent.
  • How to build a culture that is conducive for team members to share their opinions and experiences.
  • Why unconscious bias training isn’t what moves the dial in building an inclusive culture (and what actually. does)
  • How to ensure you set yourself up for success in reaching your goals as it relates to your diversity and inclusion goals.


Which inclusive brand type are you? Take the quiz to find out:

Want to go deeper on how to attract and retain diverse customers and talent? Check out my program Inclusive Brand Academy and see which option works best for you.


Access the full transcript of the episode here.

If you like the show, I’d love it if you’d subscribe to the channel and leave a rating interview for it. It does help the show and helps others discover it. And wouldn’t it be great if there were more people practicing inclusion and making more people feel like they belong? I think so. Also, I want to hear from you. If you have a question, comment on this episode, a previous episode, or in general, or if you would just wanna say hi, I like those kinds of messages too. Send me a voicemail at That’s inclusive I’d love to feature your question and comments on the show.

Until next time. Remember, everyone deserves to have a place where they belong. Let’s use our individual and collective power to ensure more people feel like they do.

Somebody’s waiting on you.

Thanks for listening.

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